Jenks (Natural Breaks)

The natural breaks algorithm is a method for classification of data into groups or categories based on the natural breaks or distinct patterns in the data. It is commonly used in geographic information systems (GIS) to create thematic maps, which are maps that show different regions or areas that share certain characteristics or attributes.

The natural breaks algorithm works by identifying patterns in the data and dividing the data into classes or groups that are similar to one another within each class, but distinct from the other classes. The algorithm tries to minimize the difference within each class and maximize the difference between classes.

To use the natural breaks algorithm, you need to first specify the number of classes or groups that you want to create. The algorithm will then assign data points to the appropriate class based on their characteristics. The result is a set of classes or groups that are representative of the patterns in the data.

The natural breaks algorithm is often used as an alternative to other classification methods, such as equal intervals or quantiles, because it is thought to be more effective at identifying patterns in the data and producing classes that are more meaningful and easier to interpret.


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