
A programming language designed use a strictly typed syntactical superset of JavaScript.
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A core web language that can serve multiple roles, including full frontend rendering, supplementing HTML and CSS frontends, and backend or systems level tools. Javascript (JS) is one of the most common languages used and it’s ecosystem is constantly evolving.
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A general purpose programming language with broad adoption across different sectors. Commonly used for data analysis, machine learning, web services, and database management.
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An emerging language proposed as a successor to C and C++, with a strong emphasis on type safety in code. Rust is primarily used as a systems level language with easy interoperability through bindings in other languages and compilation to WebAssembly.
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A superset of Javascript that introduces static type annotations for application stability and better compile-time error checking. Commonly used in complex web applications and backend stacks where data is transmitted or passed between modules.
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A low-level programming language, known for its flexibility, efficiency and performance. Commonly used for writing desktop or server applications.
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A statistics focused language that emphasizes a low barrier to entry. Used commonly in academic environments for its accessibility and usefulness for data munging, and statistical analysis, and charting,
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